Crock Pot Cookin’

Crock-Pot® Slow Cooker Recipe Finder

This app was the first one I tried and frankly I think it’s horrible. Not because the recipes are bad. There’s not many of them and none that I wanted to try. It’s horrible because almost every recipe requires you to do a whole bunch of cooking prior to putting stuff into the crock pot. What good is that? I got a crock pot so I could chop stuff up and be lazy not so I could dirty yet another dish. If you don’t mind that idea you might just want to give this a go.


iCooking Slow Cooker

50 slow cooker recipes. Likely not enough to make me truly happy but worth checking out to add to my non-existant crock pot recipe database. Comes with pretty photos to entice you!


Crock-Pot Virtual Cooking Timer

Not really sure why I’d use this but for free I might as well give it a go. I suppose knowing that I should return home and finish my cooking is helpful but does it do anything the timer on my phone won’t do? We’ll see.


Dude Food

Well, I’m not a dude but I am over the type of cooking I used to do… lasagna with homemade noodles, sauce, cheese and home grown veggies. I just can’t do that anymore so maybe I’ll take after a dude and make it simple and quick and low input. Seems like a much more sustainable idea!


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