This week’s top iPad apps include yet another Facebook app and a couple of cute new games. Also in the iTunes iPad App Store, an iPad app for those who appreciate how beautifully an iPad app can showcase world-renowned photographers.
AGENDAS ($9.99)
I wish I had a slew of iPads in my house so I could test Agendas thoroughly. However, I love the idea, and the app was quite stable while I played with it. Essentially, it’s an “interactive agenda” for meetings, and could be used successfully in a classroom as well (provided all students had an iPad in hand. Someday, perhaps …). In addition to the ability to create agendas, you can also attach photos. Attendees can ask questions via the app, while others can vote on the questions, helping the presenter to know which questions are the most pressing. Set the meeting length time, and Agendas’ timing bar will indicate how close you are to the end, helping meetings end on time.
Using the same concept as a game of Hangman, Balloony Word HD allows you to guess the word by tapping the lettered balloons. Guess too many times without getting the word correct, and the animal floating beneath the balloons falls to the ground. In addition to the pretty art, there is a wide variety of words to keep young and old entertained. It’s a great game to play with kids.
ANSEL ADAMS ($13.99)
It took forever to download to my iPad, but the Ansel Adams iPad app was not only worth both the wait and its price. This app shows slideshows of Adams photography, and also has a feature that allows you to send an email postcard right from the app. In addition, the app has tons of correspondence between Adams and some key historical figures, interviews, a chronology of Adams’ life, some video clips, and a bibliography. This is a must-have for any Ansel Adams fan.
I spend far too much time on Facebook, and I’m a sucker for the newest iPad Facebook apps. Bonjega for Facebook brings a whole new look to the Facebook experience. Many Facebook features are not available via the app (Events, for example), but for pure interaction with friends, it’s a winner. And it’s pretty cool-looking, too. Hopefully, more features will be added soon.
KOSMO SPIN (99 cents)
With adorable paper-art graphics, Kosmo Spin asks you to grab your breakfast before the aliens get it — and you — first. Impossibly cute and full of personality, this app is also Game Center-connected.