ChatGPT bug sparks controversy among users

ChatGPT Controversy

OpenAI has addressed an issue where ChatGPT appeared to start new conversations with users. The AI was trying to respond to messages that didn’t send properly and looked blank. As a result, it gave generic responses or used its memory of past chats.

This led to speculation that ChatGPT could now initiate interactions based on previous conversations.

Some users reported the AI asking about topics like their first week of high school or health symptoms discussed before. However, OpenAI clarified this was a bug, not a new feature.

The company stated the problem has been fixed and ChatGPT will no longer start conversations on its own. The incident sparked discussions about the potential for such a capability if developed intentionally with user consent.

ChatGPT bug addressed, sparking debate

It highlighted the AI’s ability to remember details from prior interactions. For now, ChatGPT remains reactive and only responds when prompted. But the buzz around this glitch may inspire OpenAI to consider adding a similar feature in the future.

The AI’s apparent inference of personal information from past chats raised some concerns. Yoshua Bengio, an AI pioneer, warned that models like GPT-01 “Strawberry” have reached a worrying level of intelligence. Bengio noted if the AI has “crossed a ‘medium risk’ level for CBRN weapons,” as OpenAI’s reports indicate, it reinforces the need for AI legislation.

He believes the “ability to reason” combined with potential “skill to deceive” is “particularly dangerous.”

As AI continues to rapidly advance, this incident underscores the importance of ongoing discussions around the technology’s capabilities and risks. While an intriguing glimpse of future possibilities, it also highlights the need for responsible development and deployment of increasingly intelligent systems.

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