Modi begins unprecedented third term as India’s PM

"Modi's Third Term"

Narendra Modi, India’s Prime Minister, began a groundbreaking third term on the 9th of June, 2024, following a democratic election process that spanned nearly two months.

In his speech, Modi expressed his profound gratitude to the Indian populace for entrusting him once more with the helm and pledged unwavering commitment to the advancement of the nation.

His swearing-in witnessed participation from global leaders, manifesting the international acclaim garnered by his leadership over time.

Despite challenges in India’s north, Modi’s party sealed a majority of the parliamentary seats, positioning him as the first since Jawaharlal Nehru to realize such longevity in power.

This victory acts as testament to his political acumen and popular approval, reflecting India’s growing appetite for stable, strong leadership, along the lines of Modi.

His party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), attaining 240 seats fell short of the 272 majority. But, with the aid of allies, the BJP managed to boost its seat count to 293.

Modi’s groundbreaking third term commencement

This instances exhibits the impact of valuable political alliances in shaping power dynamics. BJP’s calculated coalescence mirrored the complexities and dynamics inherent in India’s multi-party political system.

Crucial contributions came from Andhra Pradesh’s Telugu Desam Party and Bihar’s Janata Dal (United), both forming integral parts of the coalition government.

These regional parties not only provided much-needed political backing, but they also played pivotal roles in policy-making decisions.

India’s largest minority group, the Muslim community, expressed cautious optimism towards the electoral outcome, albeit beset by apprehensions from previous negative experiences with the BJP. Nevertheless, the community displayed willingness to give the new government a chance, in hope of a more inclusive representation.

However, critics have raised concerns about Modi’s perceived threats to India’s democracy, including the marginalization of communities, suppression of opposition, and control over media.

Considering the unpredictable nature of the Prime Minister’s approach, scholars are watchfully tracking the course and stability of power in his forthcoming tenure.

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