Tokyo works on matchmaking app to combat solitude

Tokyo Matchmaking App

Tokyo’s local government is working on a new matchmaking app called “Tokyo Futari Story” as a response to the increasing societal solitude in Japan. The app’s primary purpose is to spark love, marriage, and procreation, which should address the issues of a low birth rate and aging population in Tokyo. Alongside these, the app will also provide various support services aimed at building meaningful relationships.

The “Tokyo Futari Story” app is expected to launch later this year, further details, including subscription pricing and data privacy parameters, are still in development.

There have been rumors regarding the app’s potential identity verification methods, such as driver’s license checks, income validation, or even a written commitment to marriage. These rumors have sparked privacy concerns among potential users, but authorities have not confirmed these allegation.

Recent statistics show a decline in marriage and birth rates in Tokyo, inducing significant economic and social shifts, particularly considering Japan’s rapidly aging population.

Tokyo’s approach to solving societal solitude

This decline could be a result of financial pressure or changes in societal attitudes towards marriage and raising children.

The app may potentially request user information like height, profession, academic qualifications, among others. However, no final decisions have been made yet. City officials emphasize that user privacy satisfaction is their utmost priority, hence the necessity for meticulous planning and consideration.

In addition to the app, Tokyo also plans on holding singles’ events, promoting premarital counseling services for couples, and creating a space where couples can exchange their love stories through popular culture mediums. Their objective is to nurture a rich romantic culture in the city and inspire others to pursue love interests.

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