Tackling PLUS Loan Struggles

Empowering Loan

The NAACP has brought to attention the issue of parents bearing the burden of student loans through parent PLUS loans, which were not included in President Joe Biden’s recent initiative to reduce monthly expenses. In a letter to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, NAACP President Derrick Johnson and National Youth Director Wisdom Cole have urged the implementation of measures to extend relief to these borrowers, who often come from working-class and minority backgrounds, and struggle with mounting debt and high interest rates.

Discrepancy in Loan Relief Programs

Biden’s new SAVE income-based repayment scheme, designed to make monthly payments more affordable for a significant number of borrowers, does not extend its benefits to those carrying parent PLUS loans. They are left with fewer advantages compared to the SAVE program, such as higher interest capitalization and longer duration for relief. Advocates and experts are urging the administration to address this gap in coverage and expand the SAVE benefits to include parent PLUS loan borrowers, in order to achieve more equitable student debt relief.

Proposing an Extension of Income-Driven Repayment Plans

Johnson and Cole have proposed a solution to the financial struggles faced by parent PLUS borrowers, advocating for the extension of income-driven repayment plans to these borrowers. This would significantly ease their burden, offering them a chance to manage their debt more effectively and avoid potential financial crises.

Challenges and Alternative Solutions

The exclusion of parent PLUS borrowers from the SAVE program highlights the ongoing challenges they face in managing their loan repayments. With more than 3 million parents holding $104 billion in PLUS loans, the highest interest rate of all federal loans, there is an urgent need for policymakers and educational institutions to explore alternative solutions, such as financial counseling or customized repayment plans.

Addressing Predatory Lending Practices

Parent PLUS loans have been criticized for not considering a parent’s ability to repay, potentially saddling them with unmanageable debt for years. Critics argue that a more comprehensive assessment of a family’s financial situation should be implemented to prevent the accumulation of unmanageable debt and protect the financial wellbeing of borrowers.

Considering Long-Term Financial Implications

The long-term impact of student loans on borrowers and their families can be devastating, potentially affecting them for years, if not decades. It is essential that potential borrowers and their families thoroughly assess the financial implications and alternatives before committing to these significant loans.

Planning for a Comfortable Retirement

Debtors bearing the weight of student loans should consider their physical health, mental well-being, and financial stability when making decisions about their loans and repayment plans. Consulting with professionals and weighing various options can help them make informed choices on how to manage their debt and plan for a comfortable retirement.


What are the concerns with Parent PLUS loans?

The NAACP has brought to attention the issue of parents bearing the burden of student loans through parent PLUS loans, which were not included in President Joe Biden’s recent initiative to reduce monthly expenses. Parents from working-class and minority backgrounds struggle with mounting debt and high interest rates.

Why aren’t Parent PLUS loans included in the SAVE income-based repayment scheme?

Biden’s new SAVE income-based repayment scheme does not extend its benefits to those carrying parent PLUS loans, leaving them with fewer advantages compared to the SAVE program, such as higher interest capitalization and longer duration for relief. Advocates and experts are urging the administration to address this gap in coverage and expand the SAVE benefits to include parent PLUS loan borrowers.

What is being proposed to help Parent PLUS borrowers?

NAACP President Derrick Johnson and National Youth Director Wisdom Cole have proposed extending income-driven repayment plans to parent PLUS borrowers. This extension would significantly ease their burden, offering them a chance to manage their debt more effectively and avoid potential financial crises.

What are the challenges faced by Parent PLUS borrowers, and what are some alternative solutions?

Parent PLUS borrowers face challenges in managing their loan repayments due to the exclusion of parent PLUS loans from the SAVE program. Policymakers and educational institutions should explore alternative solutions, such as financial counseling or customized repayment plans.

How can predatory lending practices for Parent PLUS loans be addressed?

A more comprehensive assessment of a family’s financial situation should be implemented before granting Parent PLUS loans to prevent the accumulation of unmanageable debt and protect the financial wellbeing of borrowers.

What should potential borrowers and their families consider before committing to significant student loans?

It is essential that potential borrowers and their families thoroughly assess the financial implications and alternatives before committing to significant student loans, as the long-term impact can be devastating and potentially affect them for years, if not decades.

What should be considered when planning for a comfortable retirement?

Debtors bearing the weight of student loans should consider their physical health, mental well-being, and financial stability when making decisions about their loans and repayment plans. Consulting with professionals and weighing various options can help them make informed choices on how to manage their debt and plan for a comfortable retirement.

First Reported on: businessinsider.com
Featured Image Credit: Photo by Armin Rimoldi; Pexels; Thank you!


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