SoundHound music identifier names that tune – fast

So does it work?  For the most part. As long as the sound quality is decent and there is not too much interfering background noise, SoundHound is able to quickly identify a song.  Just pull up the application and hold your iPhone up to the speaker. It really is that simple.

The $4.99 price tag, however, may complicate things.Similar applications can be downloaded to your iPhone for free. SoundHound hopes to overcome the competition with all the other bells and whistles that come with this application.

For instance, you can sing or hum a melody if you cannot play the song. In addition to identifying a song, you will also get a catalog of related information on the song, such as lyrics, clips and videos.  Artist information, including discographies, bios and album reviews, also are provided.

Want additional recommendations? SoundHound suggests similar artists for you to check out.

Links for purchasing the song via iTunes also are also readily available, but if you are just looking to identify a particular song, the $4.99 price point for Midomi’s ultra-application may be steep. I would recommend the Midomi’s SoundHound iPhone application for true music fans only.

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