Mob of teens ransacks Los Angeles 7-Eleven

Teens Ransack

A group of about 50 juveniles on bicycles ransacked a 7-Eleven store in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood of Los Angeles on Friday night. The incident occurred around 7:25 p.m. at the store located on West Olympic Boulevard. The group, estimated to be between the ages of 12 and 15, entered the store and stole an unknown amount of merchandise, primarily snacks.

By the time officers arrived at the scene, most of the juveniles had already fled. This incident marks the second time in two months that this particular 7-Eleven has been targeted by a mob of teens. On August 9, a similar raid occurred, involving around 50 teens on bikes who stole items such as cigarettes before escaping.

Mob targets Los Angeles convenience store

The Pico-Robertson incident is part of a larger trend of coordinated thefts at convenience stores in the Los Angeles area. A week after the August incident, another group of young men targeted three 7-Eleven stores in Hollywood.

Los Angeles City Councilmember Tim McOsker expressed concern over the growing frequency of such incidents, stating, “This isn’t just about property damage or stolen items. It is also about a victim, an employee, fearing for their safety, and a neighborhood in fear and now without a convenience store on the corner. It’s deeply disturbing to me that incidents like these are becoming more common.”

Local authorities are investigating the incident and have increased patrols in the affected areas to prevent further occurrences.

No arrests have been made in connection with the Friday night ransacking, and the extent of the damage caused is not yet known.

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